Healthcare News
10 Simple Exercises for Bunion Relief and Prevention
Source: Healthline
Here are 10 easy-to-do foot exercises that can help relieve pain, increase mobility, and possibly slow the progression of your bunion.
Health Tip: Lifting Heavy Things
Source: Health Day
People who practice smart lifting techniques are less likely to suffer muscle sprains, pulls and injuries caused by heavy lifting.
Causes of Rotator Cuff Pain and Treatment Options
Source: Verywell Health
Gout is a common type of arthritis. It’s a sudden and painful inflammation that usually occurs in the big toe, but can affect other joints. It happens rarelyTrusted Source in the shoulders and hips.
How to get rid of knee pain when sleeping
Source: Medical News Today
Joint pain and swelling become more common as people age. Pain in the knee can make walking, running, and other activities uncomfortable. It can also make it difficult to fall or stay asleep at night.
The impact of prior upper-extremity surgery on orthopedic injury and surgery in collegiate athletes
Source: JSES
Collegiate athletes with prior shoulder surgery missed more days and underwent more magnetic resonance imaging scans and surgical procedures in college, whereas those with prior elbow surgical procedures and wrist and/or hand surgical procedures were comparable with controls.
10 Simple Exercises for Bunion Relief and Prevention
Source: Healthline
Here are 10 easy-to-do foot exercises that can help relieve pain, increase mobility, and possibly slow the progression of your bunion.
Back pain when bending: What to know
Source: Medical News Today
While lower back pain is a widespread symptom, some people only experience it when bending over.
Study suggests surgery better than observation for older patients with meniscus tear
Source: Medical Xpress
Patients over age 50 who underwent an all inside arthroscopic repair technique had lower rates of subsequent total knee surgery than a similar group that was only observed, according to research presented at the American Orthopedic Society of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting today.
Study suggests surgery better than observation for older patients with meniscus tear
Source: Medical Xpress
Patients over age 50 who underwent an all inside arthroscopic repair technique had lower rates of subsequent total knee surgery than a similar group that was only observed, according to research presented at the American Orthopedic Society of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting today.
High rate of return to dance seen in dancers who underwent hip arthroscopy for FAI
Source: Healio
According to recently published results, 97% of dancers were able to return to dance at an average of 6.9 months after hip arthroscopy. Compared with their preoperative status, most dancers danced at a higher level following surgery.